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The energy transition requires homeowners to stop burning hydrocarbons. Instead we must fully electrify our homes. So we talk to homeowners in the UK, USA, France and Germany to understand their views and intentions on home heating, car ownership, rooftop solar, home batteries and insulation. We track change, measure trends and compare markets to discover what impedes or encourages faster adoption.

Solar Panels Technicians
Heat pump.jpg
Business meeting

What we do...

Listen to Homeowners

We ask homeowners about their heating, cars and other home tech. Our detailed questions allow us to reveal if, why and when consumers will consider switching from hydrocarbon to electric solutions.

Analyse & Share Results

We use new, cutting-edge approaches including AI analysis of huge quantities of open text, to understand and interpret intent and motivation. All the results are quickly available for users to interrogate via our online dashboard, offering both 'big picture' and fine-grain detail.

Track & Compare Findings

We conduct thousands of consumer interviews every quarter in the UK, France, Germany and the USA. We compare change, wave by wave and between countries.  We show how, when and why intent changes into adoption.

What we do

Fast-changing consumer markets need accurate insight.

By providing dedicated international consumer-tracking of homeowner attitudes, we can reveal the spread of myths and misunderstanding, offer benchmarking & measure change over time, explain what encourages or what impedes home electrification (incentives / disincentives) and, over time, show the "network effects" of the more electrified home.
What we do

Reveal myths and misunderstanding

Misinformation about the energy transition abounds. Some is deliberately spread by bad actors. We can measure how far these have cut-through to homeowner consciousness.

Benchmarking & context

Good data is prerequisite for a well-managed and well-understood market. The data we provide to stakeholders compares homeowner attitudes over different countries and over time.

Provide insight into incentives

Over time we can manage the impact of different political, economic, social, and technological interventions such as changes to policy, grants or subsidies, advertising or public information campaigns. In doing so we can show the interventions that work best and which have minimal impact on the homeowner mindset.

Measure network effects

The more electrified a home, the greater the benefits and savings to homeowners: both an individual and societal level. We can measure the interplay between the penetration of electrified homes and homeowner attitudes.

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